Following their triumphant season in 2005, in which Scuderia Ecosse dominated the British GT Championship, the Ferrari Owners' Club has awarded Andrew Kirkaldy their 2005 Cavallino Trophy, which is for a 'particularly meritorious result in Ferrari competition'. It's one of the Club's most prestigious trophies and not awarded every year if there's no-one deserving of it, which Andrew clearly is. Scuderia Ecosse team have recently announced ambitious plans for the 2006 racing season. The team’s main endeavour will be the FIA GT Championship where they will run two cars in what will be the most competitive GT2 class for many years. Although the team will be in new surroundings and competing on many new circuits, the driver line-up will look very familiar, with 2005 British GT Champions Nathan Kinch/Andrew Kirkaldy and Chris Niarchos/Tim Mullen. In addition to their FIA GT programme, Chris and Tim have taken the decision to also enter the British GT Championship. Scuderia Ecosse have received a confirmed entry into the Le Mans 24 Hours. The driver line-up for the sportscar classic will be announced in the coming weeks. The team will be running a pair of all-new Ferrari 430s in 2006. They will complete two shakedown tests at Fiorano this month before the cars begin an intensive pre-season test programme. DIARY NOTE: The first opportunity to see Scuderia Ecosse running a Ferrari 430 and hear the driver’s views on the new car will be on 24 March at Knockhill in Scotland. Click here for Scuderia Ecosses's press release.
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