<%@ LANGUAGE="VBScript" %> <% theSection = "Prancing Horse Register" theSubSection = "" theSubSubSection = "" theNvOn=6 theMvOn=0 theDescription="" theKeywords="" %>


The Prancing Horse Register is an organisation formed in 1976, with the approval of Enzo Ferrari, by the Ferrari Owners' Club for all those who are enthusiasts of the marque Ferrari but do not yet own one themselves. Benefits of membership are:

  • The opportunity to attend (but not compete in) most Ferrari Owners' central and Area Group social and competitive Club events.
  • To receive free of charge the Club's bi-monthly, magazine 'Ferrari News', which gives details and information of all the Ferrari Owners' Club and Prancing Horse Register activities, technical information and cars for sale.
  • To subscribe to the Club's quarterly publication 'Ferrari', a superb colour magazine with features from all over the world.
  • To assist officials of the Ferrari Owners' Club in the organisation and running of Club track days and other events. Those under the age of 17 may not officiate as circuit marshals - this is an RAC MSA regulation - but there are other positions they can fill.
  • To purchase and display the badges and insignia of the Prancing Horse Register. Prancing Horse Register regalia is obtainable from the Ferrari Owners' Club regalia stockist.

Membership runs from 1st November to 31st October. Members joining after 1st November will have November and December included in their subscription for the following year. To join please use either of the two facilities below:

If you are already a member you can login to your own section. Username is your PHR membership number (including the P) with 14 in front; so the format would be 14Pxx .Password is your surname, all in lower case.

PHR Login
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<% If Request.QueryString("retry") = "problem" Then Response.Write("

Sorry, there was a problem, please try again.

") End If %>

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Why Join the Prancing Horse Register?

If you have found the web pages for the Ferrari Owners' Club you must be interest in this great make of car and all it stands for. Although you may not yet have been able to fulfil your dream of owning a Ferrari you can still be associated with the Club and participate in most of its activities.
Like any club, the PHR section contains members from all ages and all walks of life. Many join just for the Club publications and news of Ferrari events. Membership provides a great opportunity to talk to members and find out about particular models, and what to look for when buying a Ferrari. Active participation will bring close contact with the cars and their owners and opportunities to find out about current and historic Ferraris.
Some members join the PHR because of Ferrari's involvement with Formula 1, to enjoy the Club's own race and hillclimb series, others because they appreciate current production cars. Whatever your interest or passion, the PHR will bring you closer to the "Maranello Magic". Also, each year a number of PHR members become owners and full members of the FOC.