
Shell Historic Ferrari Maserati Challenge 2000
Details have been announced of the Shell Historic Challenge for the year 2000. The dates are as follows:
29/30 April/01 May |
Spa Francorchamps |
15/17 June | Le Mans |
29/30 Sept/01 October | Hockenheim |
28/29 October | Mugello |
There are some important changes taking place, of which the main ones are:
- For Grid A (single seaters) applications have to be made for all four meetings during the season in order to obtain a place. For Grids B (drum-braked sports cars) and Grid C (disc-braked sports cars) race by race entries are accepted. Deadline for all applications is 1st February 2000.
- At three of the four meetings (Spa, Hockenheim, Mugello) a full programme of Ferrari racing will take place, including the Shell Historic Challenge (all three grids), the 360 Modena Challenge and F1 parades.
- For the events at Spa Francorchamps and Hockenheim, Ferrari SpA has invited all European Ferrari clubs and owners to the event, starting from various points on the Continent and forming a tour to the respective gatherings.
- The Le Mans round will be run as a curtain-raiser for the 24-hour race but because of timing limitations only one race could be run. This will be for both the disc- and drum-braked sports cars who will all run together in one 45-minute race.
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